Helping Parents Save Money On Childcare

July 15, 2015

Help your parents to save money on their childcare

As you will know from our previous communication, there are changes happening in childcare funding as the Government is set to launch their Tax-free Childcare scheme. The Government were originally planning to launch their new Tax-free Childcare scheme in the autumn, however, the scheme will now be launched in 2017. Now is the time for you to help parents using your childcare services to save money on their childcare fees, now and in the future.

What is the difference between the two schemes?
Tax-free Childcare will see the Government subsidising 20% of a child’s childcare on costs of up to £10,000 per year, providing savings of up to £2,000 per child.Parents will pay into an account when they are using childcare and the government will add the additional 20%. At first glance, this new scheme can look very appealing but in reality, many parents are better off on Childcare Vouchers. This is why we are urging parents to register to a Childcare Voucher scheme now, so they don’t lose out in the future and we need your help in getting this message across.

childcare schemes

For more information, please contact us on or call us on 01633 857979.